How to Define and Refine Your Brand Voice for Success

Today I want to talk about the term "brand voice" because it’s something I focused on for 2021. It’s been a top marketing buzz phrase for a couple of years now. In my opinion, it is the most critical aspect of marketing your business to the right clients!

What is ‘Brand Voice’ anyway?

Your brand voice basically means, when someone visits your website or social media, what does it say to them? What impression are you giving off? Does your site give someone a formal feel? Make them feel different emotions? Does it evoke a smile or a laugh?

Up until 2020, I mainly focused on getting my business out there into the world, honing my craft, and working on my SEO. What I sort of let slip was the brand voice piece. At the beginning of 2020, I felt that I was where I wanted to be with enquiries and income but that I maybe wasn’t always attracting the right clients. With the help of some amazing women, I made my online voice my main focus for 2021.

What did I want my voice to say?

Figuring out what vibes you want to put out there into the universe can be tricky. Hiring professionals like site designers and copywriters can be one “easy” way to do it. You’ll still have to figure out who you want to attract but they’ll ask probing questions to help you figure out how to say and show it.

I first began to think about my ideal client. How old is this person? Do they have kids? What are their character traits? I wanted to aim to attract boss babes who are: adventurous, courageous, relaxed, and happy. Entrepreneurs with these traits tend to match my style of photography best. What I love to create is usually what they are envisioning as the ideal personal branding photoshoot!

Not ready for a full design team?

If you’re not quite there yet but you want to work on branding, here are some actionable (free!) items to work on:

  • Go through your website and remove ALL images that don’t align with the three adjectives you want to focus on. No exceptions. Show ONLY what you want to attract.

  • Do the same thing with all your social media channels! Instagram, Facebook, anywhere and everywhere you share your work.

  • Begin to think about the copy on your Facebook and Instagram posts. Are the stories you’re telling displaying the traits you want to attract? People will follow you if they connect with the personality you’re putting out there. Make sure your words reflect who you want to connect with you!

  • Take the same approach to your website copy! Tailor your homepage and your ‘About Me’ page to reflect the same qualities.

  • If you don’t feel like you have images that reflect who you want to attract, do a model call or get some stock images!

The end result of a consistent brand voice

If you’ve been in business for a couple of years, don’t fret if you don’t see immediate results. Brand messaging is a long game and it takes time to make a big change. Eventually, with consistent messaging, you’ll see clients booking you who fall in love with the style and work you’re showing!

This doesn’t mean that ALL your clients forevermore will be ‘ideal clients’. You will, however, see a shift to mostly ideal clients. Having the majority of clients that align with your vision will enable you to be the best at what you are doing. Your work will reflect your confidence and you’ll, in turn, attract back even more of that ‘ideal’.

Happy brainstorming!

Ready to refine your brand voice and attract your ideal clients? Visit my services page to learn more about how I can help you achieve your goals!


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